Chemistry Department

Establishment- 1997


Chemistry is the integrated study of preparation, properties, structure & reaction of chemical elements & their compounds, and of the systems which they form.

Interpreted in the broader sense the definition would include most of the natural science, a consequence of the considerable areas of overlap which chemistry has with Physical, Biological, Earth and Material sciences

Chemical science is dynamic in scope as many professional and applied courses directly or indirectly use the knowledge of chemistry. Moreover, the present age is the era of science and more of people are being employed in scientific a pursuit which requires knowledge of chemistry.

Chemistry education is also necessary because of its immense values in the students� individual life and society.

The most significant aspect of modern science is the impact of it has had in solving a variety of problems of practical and technological importance as well as those related to pressing problems of mankind. A large number of these problems require a proper understanding and applications of chemical principals and processes.

The major threats to the present day civilization are population explosion, hunger and diseases, Environmental pollution, depletion of sources of energy as well as natural resources. The growth of population is probably the greatest problem facing us.

In solving most of the problems, chemist have a lot to do caraculs (1493-1541) said, �The true use of chemistry is not to make gold, but to prepare medicine.� The problem of atmospheric pollution, if and it is solved will only we done through an understanding of chemical dynamics.

Chemistry has made a significance contribution in the field of drugs, fuels agriculture, animal farming, fibres etc. in addition to this there are many interdisciplinary areas where the contribution of chemist is significant. In the area of environmental pollution, chemist are better method of analysis and solution to get rid of pollution. There is entire area of marine chemistry to investigate new sources for food and chemicals.

Our college is located in socially, economically and educationally backward area. Students are rural oriented and are not well-prepared. They are poor in reading, writing and thinking. They do not have expression abilities; it ultimately affects the academic performance and their interest in the subject like chemistry. Hence, it is necessary to change the attitude of the rural students.

Chemistry, being one of the important and one of the advanced subjects, in the faculty of Sciences, nearly 90% students are interested in its study. In order to undertake the scientific and systematic study of the subject, the Ghansawngi taluka Swami Ramanad Shikshan Prasarak Mandal established Sant Ramdas Arts commerce and science College at Ghansawngi in 1997. The Department of Chemistry is imparting the education with under-graduate course to educate the rural students. Inception of Department of Chemistry was beginning with the opening of this college.

Vision :

Endeavor for understanding each and every aspect of chemistry motivating students belonging to rural society to know the role of chemistry in development of �Individual to nation�

Mission :

The department of chemistry aims to achieve excellence in education & research of undergraduate & post graduate students interested in basic and applied chemical sciences.


  • Acquisition of knowledge.
  • Development of intellectual abilities and skills
  • To make students interested in chemistry.
  • To familiarize the students with the important role played by chemistry in their life.
  • To promote students to acquire post-graduation in chemistry.
  • To promote the students for preparing NET, SLET, GATE etc. exams.
  • To develop science attitude in students.
  • To provide a training to students in methods of science.
  • To emphasize upon students the role of chemistry on social behavior.
  • To prepare students for vocations, where a sound knowledge of chemistry is required.
  • To increase student understanding to such a level that he or she can understand various concepts and theories unifying various branches of chemistry.


S. No. Name of the Teacher Qualification Designation Biodata
1 Dr. R. K. Pardeshi M.Sc. Ph.D. Principal
2010 till this date
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2 Dr. S. R. Gaur M.Sc. SET. Ph.D. Associate Professor & Head
2001 - till this date
View Biodata
3 Mr. M. P. Gutte M.Sc. M.Phil. Assistant Professor
1999 - till this date
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4 Mr. S. B. Hiwale M. Sc. NET Assistant Professor
2015 - till this date
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5 Dr. J.J. Pathan M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D. Teacher
2001 - till this date
6 Mr. M.A. Gawli M.Sc., B.Ed. Teacher
2003 - till this date
1 Mr. S.K. Chothe Lab. Assistant
2005 - till this date
2 Mr.P.S. Jadhav B.A Lab. Attaindent
1999 - till this date
3 Mr. J. K. Chothe HSC Lab. Attaindent
2001 - till this date
